MES Students Participate in iMAGINE STEAM Festival    

   Fifth-grade students at McCormick Elementary School attended a field trip to the Arts Center of Greenwood on October 16, 2023. Students toured Lego exhibits created by other schools and individuals upon arrival at the Arts Center. Working collaboratively, teams of students created scenes involving the theme of “Movement.” These movement creations will be entered into the Imagine The " iMAGINE STEAM Festival"  contest which will be held Saturday, October 21, 2023, at the Arts Center of Greenwood from 10:00 until 2:00. Winners of the contest will be announced at 1:30. MES fifth grade students did an excellent job working together, creating movement scenes, and behaving on our field trip to the Arts Center. We had a joyful time!  Please come to the Arts Center of Greenwood at 120 Main Street this Saturday and support our students' projects and enjoy this festival.