Mrs. Rucker received $1000 through an Earth Science grant from The E-Rotary Club of the Carolinas. McCormick Elementary School was able to update our water garden. Our students use our garden often throughout the school year in their lessons. They plant vegetables, weed the beds, harvest them, and even enjoy tasting the products they grow. This water garden has been a favorite of the students and teachers. Students have been watching a frog that lives in it for years. You can walk by and see him looking through the window at us. Once we were walking by and had 2 baby rabbits swimming in it! They had a burrow right there in that section. This outdoor learning classroom has been maintained by Mrs. Rucker's Science Lab, McCormick Garden Club, Clemson Extension, MES students, MES Garden Club, MHS student partnerships, and teachers over the years. We are excited to also receive this support from the E-Rotary Club of the Carolinas. Pictured here with Mrs. Rucker is Julie Tovey, Julia Larson, and Lenna Young. We appreciate you supporting our school and student learning opportunities!
E-Rotary Club of the Carolina's
April 30, 2024