Good afternoon, We are looking forward to celebrating Literacy Week at MES. Starting Monday, students will be reading, "Once Upon a Book," by Kate Lin and Grace Messner. They will be researching different biomes and cultures. They can dress each day to go along with different parts of the story. See the flyer. On March 4 at 5:30 pm, they will share their projects with you at Literacy Night. The Scholastic Book Fair will also be open beginning Monday. You must upload their money to the E-Wallets for students to shop at school. There is an option for shopping online, too. See the flyer for more details. Call the Media Center if you have any questions.
2 days ago, Angela White
Book Fair
Literacy Week
Good afternoon MES Chiefs, We have been stressing to students that they should take ownership of their learning. When they get home, ask your child, "What was your learning target today?" They should be able to give you a detailed explanation. Then, have them teach it to you. Thursday, students can still participate in the "Hat's For Hope" by bringing a 1$ donation. Friday is an Inclement Weather Day, so students are out of school. Monday, Feb. 17 is a Holiday. March 4 is Literacy Night at 5:30. Students will be presenting projects. If you have any questions or concerns, give us a call.
13 days ago, Angela White
Parent Weekly
​The JV basketball game vs. Abbeville that is scheduled on Saturday (2-8-25) will now start at 5:30 pm. Varsity games will follow the JV game and the games will take place at Erskine College.
18 days ago, Jimmy Hughes
Good afternoon MES Chiefs! This past week, Coach Jones started a boys club with some of our 4th and 5th graders. They will have a motivational lunch and learn session once a week. Good Newsletters were sent home with students last week. If your child plans to attend Good News Club on Tuesday, February 4, be sure they return their slips on Monday. Student Council is still hosting the Hats for Hope mission project. Bring $1 to school this week so you can wear a hat in support of Mrs. Davenport's fight against cancer. This week is School Counselors Week. Help us celebrate Mrs. Hutcheson and Mrs. Huff for all they do for our school and students. We love our MCSD Counselors! Mark your calendars now for our Literacy Night on Tuesday, March 4 at 5:30. Our teachers are planning an exciting night where students will be presenting a project. You will not want to miss this wonderful opportunity. Encourage students at home to "Be a Coffee Bean!" They have the power to transform our school environment every day by their positive actions and by helping others. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to give us a call!
20 days ago, Angela White
Boys Group
National School Counselors Week
Hats for Hope
​The JV and varsity basketball games vs. Abbeville will be played at Erskine College on Saturday (2-8-25) starting at 5 pm.
24 days ago, Jimmy Hughes
The two middle school basketball games that were postponed this week have been rescheduled for: 2-6-25 JET-Home 5 pm (MMS gym) 2-11-25 @ Calhoun Falls 5 pm
29 days ago, Jimmy Hughes
Good afternoon, We are looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow on our normal schedule. Students don't forget to complete all work and bring back your devices and chargers. If your child completed a work packet instead of using Google Classroom, be sure you return the work completed so they can be counted as present. We are still planning to do the "Hats for Hope" tomorrow. You can bring $1 in the morning if you would like to participate in this Student Council special fundraiser. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
about 1 month ago, Angela White
Hats For Hope
Good evening, It has been a productive week at MES. Please listen carefully to these important announcements. Report Cards and MAP Reports for students in Grades K-2 were mailed earlier this week. Students in Grades 3-5 will bring their report cards and MAP reports home today in their book bag. If you have any concerns, contact your child's teacher for a conference. See the attached flyer regarding a special service project that our Student Council is doing. Through this "Hats off for Hope", we wish Mrs. Davenport well and we are fighting with her in her battle with cancer. Monday, January 20 is a Holiday. The school will be closed in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Tuesday, January 21 is our 100th Day of School! We will celebrate by giving students a choice of dressing either as a 100-year-old or wearing 100 items on his/her clothing. See the flyer attached. Parents of Third, Fourth and Fifth Grade students, mark your calendars for an important SCREADY Informative Testing Meeting on February 3 at 5:00 at MES. Due to a potential winter storm next week, students are bringing home their devices today just in case we have to move to an E-Learning Day. At this time, there has not been a decision made, we are just being prepared. As always, please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great weekend! Stay safe and warm.
about 1 month ago, Angela White
100 Day of School
Hats for Hope
The JV basketball game that was scheduled for Friday (1-17-25) vs. Anderson Cavaliers has been canceled.
about 1 month ago, Jimmy Hughes
Good evening, As you all know, due to the Winter Storm Warning, students will have an E-learning Day tomorrow. Your child should log into Google Classroom for assignments (or Pk and K students will have a work packet) to complete tomorrow. The packets and work must be completed to be counted present on the E-Learning Day. Your child's device is for schoolwork only. Teachers and administrators will be available by email from 8 am to 12 pm should you have any questions or concerns. Stay safe and warm.
about 1 month ago, Angela White
The JV basketball game vs. Anderson Cavaliers that was scheduled for today (1-9-25) has been canceled.
about 1 month ago, Jimmy Hughes
Happy New Year to our MES families! We look forward to seeing the students back on Tuesday, January 7!
about 2 months ago, Angela White
Happy New Year!
Good evening, I hope you all had a Happy Friday the 13th! This week, students completed MAP testing. We are excited to celebrate them. Be on the lookout for Dress Down Day passes and other exciting rewards for their hard work. Kindergarteners enjoyed learning about trees this past week as part of their plant unit in Science and Reading. See their projects pictured here. Next week, students may enjoy some dress-down days for the MES Spirit Week. See the attached flyer. Remember that the regular dress code still applies even on dress-down days. ( No leggings, jeggings, spaghetti straps, short shorts, skirts, or crocks etc. ) Don't forget about our wonderful Christmas Program and Art Showcase on Tuesday. You must have a ticket to attend, but they are free. Contact the front office for more information. Have a great weekend!
2 months ago, Angela White
Spirit Week
Kindergarten Plant Unit
Kindergarten Plant Unit
Kindergarten Plant Unit
Good evening, This is an important reminder about MAP testing tomorrow and Wednesday. Please be sure to review the parent letter and the video posted on Facebook about the rewards. Make sure students get a good night's rest and are at school on time tomorrow and Wednesday. Mostly, just let them know that you believe in them and encourage them with positive affirmations. We cannot wait to see how much students have grown so far this year! We are better than average and ready to prove it!
3 months ago, Angela White
MAP Testing
Good afternoon, This is an exciting time of year! MAP testing is on Tuesday and Wednesday. Students have opportunities to earn fun activities and dress-down days. Ask your child what their goals are for the test. Make sure they are here and on time. Encourage them to do their best. We cannot wait to see how much progress we have made! Thursday, December 12 is Parent University at 9:30 am at MES. We hope you join us. Don't forget to get your tickets for the Christmas Drama Showcase on December 17! MES students are performing songs during this event. Tickets are free, but you must have one to attend. They can be picked up in the main office at MES. Students who were chosen as dancers will have an afterschool practice on December 11 from 3:30-4:30. Hope to see you all this tomorrow at the McCormick Parade. Have a great weekend and please call if you have any questions or concerns.
3 months ago, Angela White
Parent Weekly
Winter Drama Performance
MAP Letter to Parents
MAP Rewards
The basketball games that were scheduled on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 vs Abbeville have been canceled and will be played at home on Friday, February 14, 2025.
3 months ago, Jimmy Hughes
Mark your calendars and get your tickets now for the best show in December! Tickets are free and available in the front office of each school, but you must have a ticket to get in. MES students along with the MCSD Drama team will be presenting this wonderful winter showcase.
3 months ago, Angela White
Winter showcase
Winter Showcase
Good afternoon MES Parents and Guardians, We have had a fantastic week at MES. First-grade students attended a field trip today to the SC State Museum. They had a wonderful time. We will be sharing pictures soon. We also had Coffee and Conversations today with the Principal. Your voice matters! We appreciate the great conversations regarding our school with the parents who attended. School will not be in session beginning Tuesday, November 26 through the 29th. Students return to school on Monday, December 2. The Good News Club will be having a Meeting on December 3. If your child is planning to attend, make sure you have returned the permission forms. Mark your calendars for the Christmas Program which will be held on the evening of December 17. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to give us a call.
3 months ago, Angela White
Coffee and Conversations
Good afternoon, This is Angie White, Principal of McCormick Elementary School with a few important announcements. First of all, teachers are currently setting up conferences with you to discuss your child's progress. We appreciate your support in attending these. We had make-up pictures today. It is not too late for you to still order pictures. The company has gone to all online ordering. See the following information for ordering: Purchase Link: How to Access: Families can simply go to this link, follow the instructions to view their child’s photo, and place an order for prints or digital copies. Friday, November 22, I would like to invite you to attend a casual drop-in at MES for Coffee and Conversations with the Principal. Your voice matters in all we do at the school. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
3 months ago, Angela White
Parent Weekly
Good afternoon, If your child missed Picture Day in September, we will do make-ups this Friday morning. Students need to wear their uniforms as usual. We value the partnership between the parents and the school. Teachers are currently scheduling conferences with parents to discuss the progress their child is making. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
3 months ago, Angela White